Packages are all compiled. This provides settings for the compiler, too, to match the processor model. But which settings are the right ones for which purpose? More…
Packages are all compiled. This provides settings for the compiler, too, to match the processor model. But which settings are the right ones for which purpose? More…
A notebook next to a touch monitor creates an extended desktop. XFCE provides different wallpapers for the monitors. More…
With the right size determined planning the circuitry makes sense. Cabling must be calculated. All components must be connected safely and cleanly to each other. More…
Leather is one of the oldest and most durable materials humans worked with. Just because of curiosity I made some small things from leather. This also enriched my experience. More…
While heading for lunch we walked around the building as usual. There was a dead bird a Eurasian Nuthatch on the pebbled strip in front of the building. The wind played with the orange feathers. It doesn't feel cold anymore, no hunger, no hiding from predators. Does an animal move to a better world? Would it be better for it to live without fear? What would it be like without that little fear, some excitement, feeling hungry or a little shiver? Does being tired count as sorrow, maybe less than sweating? More…
After two years of testing with different small panels it is time to get bigger. I'm planning to install a larger system for personal use. Size matters. More…
Azure updated many of its Java libraries. Not only the
(Maven-) groupId
is new. Also
exceptions were redesigned. Their principle reminds
me of my first tries with Java.
The homeserver received a major upgrade to do more tasks. I chose an ASUS PRO WS X570-ACE as its mainboard. It provides sufficient bandwidth especially PCIe lanes. In addition to a true RAID controller I want to use the mainboard's RAID controller, too. Rumors had it that this should be bootable even from the two available NVMe slots. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. More…
Another presentation about Agile Methods and again the one with the slides compares with Waterfall. In the end Agile Methods succeed by turning a stroller into a car. Waterfall only came up with something that looks as if a 3-year-old had put together all kinds of parts of different sizes in odd numbers which doesn't drive at all. More…
I really like to link to valuable sources in my articles. Man pages are a hard problem. There are sites out there delivering them as HTML but not very handy. More…
There's a common narrative that Microsoft was moribund under Steve Ballmer and then later saved by the miraculous leadership of Satya Nadella. This is the dominant narrative in every online discussion about the topic I've seen and it's a commonl…